This Is How I’m Manifesting My Homesteading Life

I grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis and I had literally never heard the word ‘homestead’ before. Little House On The Prairie was not a part of my childhood. The first time that I heard the word homesteading was probably five years ago. I was explaining to a friend this idea I had of living in a more connected way.  I wanted to be more than just a consumer but also a creator within my everyday life.  I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what was missing from my life but it surrounded this feelings. She offered me the concept of homesteading and it felt like exactly what I was looking for. I’m a far way from living out my homesteading dreams but every day I’m manifesting my homesteading life and this is how.

Episode Links (Contains affiliate links)

These are the natural skincare products I use on myself and my kids.

This is the episode I share about learning to cook with whole foods.

This is the episode I share about my failures gardening.

Check out the Homemaker Chic Podcast

This is the freeze dryer I have

This is the website that has great info on real milk.

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